Latest reviews by Peter Groner

"Very Entertaining "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

So its a little hilly, but you wouldn't know it from all the fun aide stations they have. Bacon to Swedish fish to a wall of bubbles to shooting hoops this course was so much random fun.

It was maganged very well minus the lack of trash cans at the finish.

This should be on every 50 staters bucket list for Ohio!

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"Frustrating course"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

So i believe there are new race directors now but this is or was the most unorganized race i had ever ran.
1. THE COURSE WAS 0.7 miles long. The pacers were complaining

2. I had a city bus do a 3 point turn in front of me and i had to stop and wait because the course wasn't properly blocked off

3. lots and lots of 90 degree hairpin turns and funneling of runners into narrow bridges and passageways and thru blockaides

4. the half marathon combined with the full only a few miles into the race. the only problem the half marathoners were at a dramatically slower time and there was not enough room for all the runners on the road.

Epic Fail I do NOT recommend

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