Latest reviews by Jessica

"Great Concept, But Lacked Execution"
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I hope this organization has improved since I ran it years ago. The concept was amazing - urban 5k with movie stunt obstacles. The course wound through downtown Indianapolis, along the canal and the start waves did nothing to keep the obstacles from backing up. I stood in line for 15 minutes waiting my turn to climb a ladder two stories and jump into a dumpster filled with foam blocks. After that it was a quick up and into a dumpster before several over/unders and climbing through window frames and over chainlink walls. I really wasn't impressed with the actual obstacles compared to the ones represented on the website. Later I found out that it was only the third time the organization had done the race so I'm sincerely hoping they just had a rough start and have greatly improved their race since then.

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"A Great Trail Run After Thanksgiving"
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This was my first trail run and took part in the team relay. Not a true relay in the traditional sense, your team ran as many of the 1 mile loops in one hour as possible. The team with the most loops won. Sounds easy, but the narrow hilly terrain slows you down a lot. The scenery was beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed the course. After the race, the sponsoring brewery offered free beer with outdoor music and food trucks selling some great fare.
Swag included a basic t-shirt but the fun of the trail run and outdoor party afterwards were the best part of the event!

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"A Fun Halloween 5k"
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This fun costume 5k followed the downtown canal at night and included a great run through a tent filled with smoke and costumed characters there to scare. The after party included a street party at a local brewery. All in all it was a easy 5k with no frills. Swag included a basic t-shirt and free beer after the race.

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"A Great Autumn Race"
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The rolling hills near the vineyard definitely catch you off guard. It's a beautiful course with horses and farms. The swag includes a great long sleeve t-shirt and wine glass (filled with your choice of wine) and the after party is an outdoor concert, complete with food truck vendors and wine specials. Come for the race and stay for the after-party!

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"A Fun Halloween 5k"
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Race Management

This fun costumed 5k winds through Carmel. The expo features great local sponsors and swag includes a basic t-shirt. I ran this one with my daughter, who was 9 at the time. Nothing too fancy or complicated about this race. Around 1,000 participants and no frills.

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