• Louisville,
    United States
  • October
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

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The Urban Bourbon Half Marathon presented by Jim Beam® is an exciting, one-of-a-kind marathon featuring the beautiful scenery and bourbon for which Kentucky is famous. Starting and finishing in downtown Louisville, race participants will experience a scenic course through the fall foliage in Cherokee Park and past numerous downtown landmarks. After crossing the Finish Line, all participants receive free entry into the best post-race party around. The post-race Urban Bourbon Bash provides participants with free bourbon tastings, beer, pizza and Kentucky burgoo, all while being serenaded by local live music. Join us in Louisville for this amazing half marathon!


LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, United States
12 25
"If you love an after party, this is your race!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
SHERRY BOESCH's thoughts:

This was my fourth time running this race - basically, the only year I've missed since I started was 2020 (#thankscovid), so that should tell you how much I love it.

The pros:
- The course. Much of the course is around the part of Louisville that I spend the most time in, so I love running through it! I admit that I really, really miss the pre-covid course that went through Cherokee Park, and I was happy to see that this year's course was a step back in that direction by going down Lexington Road toward the park.
- The after party. Seriously. There ain't no party like a UBHM party! Every runner gets a wristband that gets them four bourbon tastings, two beers, a slice of pizza, and some burgoo. You can also buy a wristband for family members, so my husband met me down there. There's also a live band that plays fun cover songs.
- The swag. UBHM usually has pretty awesome shirts and medals.

There were a couple of cons:
- If you like a big expo, you won't see that here. It's typically pretty small, but Fleet Feet always has a store set up AND there's a free bourbon tasting...so is that really a con?
- The mile markers were pretty off this year - in some cases, about .20 miles off.
- The band at the after party is pretty loud.

Overall, I think the number of times I've participated in this race speaks for how much I enjoy it. I would really love to see the course return to its original route, but I'll keep running this one year after year.

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