Excentia Harvest 5K

Excentia Harvest 5K

Excentia Harvest 5K

( 1 review )
No one recommends this race yet.
  • Manheim Township,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Lititz, Pennsylvania, United States
4 12
"Good Cause - Not such good race"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Pat 's thoughts:

I actually did not run this race but my 10 and 11 year old both ran it. I feel bad about not giving this race a good review because the run is for a very good cause. However, the management of the race was very poor this year. My son ran it last year and it was a pretty nice smaller run so I am not sure what happened this year.

We probably should have known that it would be not as good when we could not find any real information about the event on the website.

Again, since it was a small community race, the boys still wanted to do it.

The biggest problem with the race is that there was no lead 'person' to direct the runners or have people on the course directing runner's where to go. The two lead runners were often confused on which direction to go. The other problem was that the course was also short of the 5K distance. I am not sure exactly what happened with that but the course was probably in the 2.8/2.9 range. There was just a lot of confusion on what was going on and no one seemed to have any real answers. My boys still had fun and liked it but I think that had more to do with how with how well they did.

The group that this race benefits make a difference in the lives of individuals with developmental needs. This meant there was also a lot of walkers on the course and people with developmental needs which was really nice.

As I said, the race has a great cause and can be a really nice 5K but they do need to fix a few of the management issues of the event. I am sure my boys will come back again next year. though.

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