Latest reviews by Lauren Haynes

"Smuttynose ROCKFEST Half! "
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This was one of those super lucky times when I got dropped off right at the race. Although I didn’t have to deal with the parking situation it did look easy and organized. I was able to pick up my packet that morning (which was great since I wasn’t arriving to New Hampshire until that day since we were in Boston the night before) and they had race fleeces! Thank the lord because it was SO cold.

Of course, it warmed up and it was a beautiful race. I’m not sure what it is but I always run better and faster near the water. A big lake, river, ocean or sea, it just has an effect on me and I love it. It was such a good vibe and had live music all along the course. When I crossed the finish line it was a PR for me! 2:03:40.

This was my favorite post race party of any race I have done. (I have also run 3 more since) It was so much fun, and friends and family got in for free. Free beer (all you can “responsibly drink”) and a free concert and Sea Shell Stage, as well as lobster rolls, clam chowder, and drink tickets that you could use at nearby bars along the beach.  They were packed with runners enjoying their post race beers and getting something to eat and it was a great atmosphere. New England knows how to celebrate a good run!!

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"Hilly Nashville Rock & Roll Half Marathon"
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Race morning came and we had our usual peanut butter toast, then took an Uber to the start of the race. (Again, if we had just stayed right in town we could have just walked) Then we completed THE HARDEST race I have participated in so far. 

Why was it so hard? Mother Nature. It ended up being one of the hottest and most humid days during that time of year in history. Nobody saw it coming (even the day before was great weather) and many runners struggled. We were also told after the race that it is the third hilliest race in the Rock and Roll Series, which with the weather made for a very tough combination.

Personally, this was a really good learning experience for us. I have since invested in good ultra-lightweight running socks, better running pants, and learned my head gets way too hot with a regular ball cap on. Bri learned to not eat TOO much pasta the night before or consume every snack available immediately after crossing the finish line. Sarah learned she "will never run when it's so %&*$ing hot and humid." Haha, and she also learned that icing her hips right after a race makes her hips feel much better later in the day.

We had our after race beers, and they had some cool signs for cute pictures as well. We hung out for a bit and then jumped right back into fun vacation mode! We still can't believe we were able to do this after such a hard race, but we are pretty tough.

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"Great Race!"
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THE EXPO ya’ll. (See cause we’re in Texas) The expo was one of the best we have been to. It was easily accessible at the Palmer events center and had ALL the things. Gear. Samples. Nuun (my fave). Information on so many races. Swag. And also lots of cute signs for pictures which we loved.

We walked from our place to the starting line. It was a bit of a walk but it was good to get warmed up. The bag drop was a bit far from the starting line but it was such a big race that’s all they could do. Over 17,000 runners!

The race itself was good. I didn’t feel I was in the best shape for it, I don’t think either of us were 100%, but it was a nice race and we finished strong! Great hydration and snacks after crossing the finish and a long but fast line to get into…

THE AFTER PARTY y’all. We were a bit cold and the weather wasn’t perfect, but who needs perfect when you have a beer garden!? The line looked a bit intimidating at first, but it went by really quick and then we were in. Good craft beer from Oskar Blues, food trucks, live music, snacks. We stayed for as long as we could!

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"Horsetooth Half Marathon"
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The good news is, it makes it so much fun and switches it up. What goes up must come down, right? So you’ll spend the first half of the race pushing up hills, flying down them, all while taking in the AMAZING views of the reservoir on your left and the city of Fort Collins on your right.

The last 5-6 miles of the race is flat, so it gives you a break if you are into running on more even ground. And what pushes you to the finish line? New Belgium Brewery!

After the race, you and your fellow 1,700+ runners can hang out, bask in the glory of being a group of badasses that just finished that run, and cheers each other with a nice cold New Belgium beer.

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