Latest reviews by Morgan Gerdel

"Fast course with a climb plus chip timing"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

Start line was at the Maui Ocean Center, with plenty of parking for runners. Conditions were perfect for a fast pace, about 65 degrees before sunrise with virtually no wind. The half marathoners started at 6:30am, while the 10k started at 7:00am. The course itself was well marked with cones, maintaining separation from traffic.

Before starting, the race director gave clear instructions for the course and turnaround point. A local singer sang the national anthem, and we were off running after a countdown to start. The first mile and a half was a gradual uphill, then downhill for about a mile and half to the turnaround. There was an aid station at 1 mile, turnaround point, and 5 mile mark. After turning around, the climb from miles 3 to 4 was quite challenging but manageable with a steady pace. The last mile and a half was downhill to the finish, quite fast!

I was a little disappointed that the 10k only measured 5.5 miles on my GPS but it may have just been an error with the turnaround point location. The post race food was great, with Clif Bars, Kind bars, fruit, and pastries. Marty Dread played music and prizes were handed out for 1st three finishers overall and the top three in each age group.

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"One of a kind experience racing on the strip - Guaranteed winner!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

2016 was my second full Rock N Roll Las Vegas Marathon, and the race has definitely stepped up in quality from 2015. I was psyched to see Snoop Dogg in concert before the race, it took off some of the pre-race jitters and got me primed to run fast! Rock N Roll also improved the start line corrals, the faster full marathoners got to go in the first start wave which was great. They even had thoughtfully placed a second group of portopotties right near the start line.

The first few miles on the Strip were a blast, with thousands of spectators cheering on the runners and the spectacle of the Luxor pyramid, Excalibur, the Mirage volcano and more. Before I knew it I was already at the 10k mark as we entered downtown Las Vegas. As the course separated from the half marathoners, the spectators became a little more sparse, but the enthusiastic aid stations and group of runners I was pacing with kept me going. Every few miles the course would pass a band, DJ and even a Jumbotron screen with cheers from runner's families.

After the 13 mile mark, there were some small hills and turns as the course wound around a tent convention area, with pulsing lights and pounding music. I still felt really good from here until about mile 20, as the course came back down the Strip toward the Mirage finish line. At the Stratosphere at mile 22, the course looped around the 5k race course, which was a mentally challenging section knowing that the finish line was close. I must have become a little dehydrated at this stage, and I struggled with some cramping.

I ended up finishing in 3:35, which was about 10 minutes slower than I expected but still a PR! I was chilled and dizzy from dehydration and the medical tent staff was very helpful getting me warmed up and back to normal. Once I recovered, the finish line chute was great, with plenty of gatorade, snacks, chocolate milk, beer and more to get refueled. An added bonus was a Brooks marathon finisher jacket at the end of the chute, it got a lot of respect from the half marathon runners and crowds in Vegas. My family and I ended the night with some burgers at ShakeShack. Awesome event!

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