• Lincoln,
    United States
  • February
  • 3 miles/5K, 10 miles
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Jeremy Murphy

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
33 21
"A fun but shortened adventure"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jeremy Murphy's thoughts:

Ran this slightly shortened race (shortened from 10 miles to 8.7 miles and I still don't know why) last weekend for the first time. Was familiar with some of the course that runs along the Jamaica Trail. Several bridges were highlights of the course which is appropriate given the name of the race and the cause to restore the bridges. Lots of twists and directional turns in this race were well-marked with red ribbons. Only a few unmarked branches poked out at us as we twisted and turned on this trail course. Start was unusual, single file one at a time. Chip-timed race so tough to know where you are in place due to one-at-a-time start. But some of the trail was so narrow it was unsafe to pass in certain areas due to narrow lane and/or mud. The most amazing part of the course was near the end around 8.25-8.5 mi or so there was a deep muddy surface that we had to run through followed by loud melodious croaking by many swamp frogs. I got a solid fast start but found that the unpredictable turns in the course made me slow down a little, as well as mud and narrow passing lanes in many spots. Also was affected by a hamstring flaring up so I backed off the pace a little to be safe. The end of the course was confusing although there were volunteers to help us. Just hard to know which direction to go near the finish. And when we finished in 8.78 mi according to my Garmin (8.7 official distance), I asked what? But I didn't complain. With my hamstring issue, I was relieved to manage to finish 10th overall and 3rd in my age group (1:12:30). If we ran a full 10, I probably would have fallen back a bit more. It was an enjoyable race. If you like trail running and running in mud, wide scenic bridges, and the limestone Jamaica trail, you will love this race. Tiny bit of pavement on course but mostly it was dirt, mud, and crushed limestone so definitely wear trail shoes. I wore Mizuno Kazans and they handled the surface well. And if they shorten the race without warning, maybe there is a muddy reason for that, I don't know. Would you like to run in Jamaica? Oops I mean the Jamaica Trail? If you want to pass people, best to do it in the first mile or so and after you return to Jamaica Trail heading back north. Good race, liked it, especially the chorus of frogs, the trails, and the unexpected amount of mud.

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