• Honolulu ,
    United States
  • April
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Hawaii, United States
2 5
"Great Half Marathon Option for Oahu!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jessica 's thoughts:

I absolutely love the Hapalua! 2015 was my second year in a row running the Hapalua and I will try and run it each and every year! It is a great event all around and definitely a good showing for a Hawaii race.

In 2014 the swag definitely needed some improvement... The medal wasn't much to look at, but in 2015 they redid the medal and I LOVE it! It is very beautiful and something to earn for sure. I LOVE that if you sign up early enough you get a "In training" t-shirt (I know, I know, do we really need more shirts?) but it is so fun!

Aid stations are well stocked, volunteers are great, and water and sports drink exactly when and where you need it. It is a Hawaii race, it can get hot - So they start the race pretty early to try and beat the heat.

The course is mostly flat except for the back side of diamond head (Worse then the hills you face in the marathon, if I do say so myself). You also run down the main strip of Waikiki and get to take in the beauty that Hawaii has to over.

This is one of my local half marathons and I love it. I'd highly recommend it to anyone wanting to run a half in Hawaii!

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