• Twin Cities,
    United States
  • July
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

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Thanks for visiting our Bibrave profile! There’s something for everyone this Independence Day in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Red, White & Boom!, presented by Summit Brewing Company.

The event features a post-race grill and picnic with hot dogs and veggie dogs, Old Dutch potato chips, and long-time participant favorite, Kemps All-American Pops, to celebrate the Fourth of July.

All three courses include a bold final mile crossing the iconic, American-flag lined Stone Arch Bridge over the beautiful Mississippi River. We hope you'll kick off your holiday with us!


Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
20 33
"Lots of shade with a few hills and fun."
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meredith 's thoughts:

This was my 2016 Summer Half and I really enjoyed my first trip to Minneapolis to run it. Here are the details!

Expo - Pre-race day packet pick-up was held at the Twin Cities in Motion office in Saint Paul. Due to my flight schedule I opted to wait until race morning to get mine. It seemed like most people took the option to get their gear morning of so I wouldn't say there was much of an expo at all.

Overnight - Lots of hotel options and a fun city. There's lots to do, including Mall of America, art, sports, museums and dining. A fantastic light rail system makes it easy to get from the airport to just about anywhere very inexpensively.

Race Day Parking - I was able to walk from my hotel to the start area in about ten minutes. The train is a great option but with the race's smaller size there seemed to be plenty of street or garage parking within a reasonable distance.

Race Day Packet Pick-Up - Easy! The lines moved quickly as you picked up your number, Brooks race shirt, race logoed pint glass and clear gear bag. GREAT SWAG!!!

Start - Gear check is easy, water and sports drink are both supplied, Port-a-Potties abound and the shaded park provides a good place to stretch out or hang before your race. The actual Start line is a short distance away (600M?) with closed streets offering plenty of warm-up spaces. The corrals are crowded on a narrow road but after the national anthem we were off right on time. Traffic is tight for the first few minutes on the course then gradually clears up by Mile 4.

Course - One of the biggest highlights of this course was the shade. An earlier start, 6:30am, keeps the hot sun away which is always a plus and the tree lined parks and roads offer lots of coverage. I didn't feel like it was hilly but gained 300 feet of elevation over the 13.1 miles. Yes, there were a few noticeable climbs though most of it came from slower, softer grades accompanied by some very nice downhill spots. Be aware that very early traffic prevents you from taking tangents though but eases up as the race goes on.

Course Support - Water stops with cheering volunteers and Port-a-Potties are roughly every 2.5 miles. Each had water and sports drink. Crowds are thin throughout the race until you hit the final stretch. Minneapolis PD and EMS were out on a day when a heat warning had been issued though I think the heat depends on what you're used to. It was a 70 degree day that felt cool to me, used to running in 75-90 degree temps.

Finish - Finishing across the Stone Arch Bridge when it's lined with cheering spectators on each side is special. The last 100M are packed with people and there's a great energy. After crossing the line you get a medal, a red, white and blue ice pop, chocolate milk, Cliff Bars, snacks and bottled water. There's a slip-n-slide right next door to gear check to help you cool off and stay in the summer spirit.

A quiet, clean and friendly city, Minneapolis' Red, White and Boom Half Marathon is a great race, especially for those of us who like smaller ones.

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