Omaha Marathon

Omaha Marathon

Omaha Marathon

( 11 reviews )
45% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Omaha,
    United States
  • September
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Christine Guenther

Spokane, Washington, United States
73 121
"Half Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Christine Guenther's thoughts:

Alrighty so here's for the Half Marathon. I flew in from Cleveland Friday night. Stayed at a hotel about 3/4 of a mile from the start, but they had a free shuttle too and from the airport

The Expo: Saturday 11-7 and Sunday throughout the day (bib pick up closed 30 min prior to each race so for the half, it stopped at 630). Not a whole lot of vendors. On Saturday, the line was ridiculous early in the day and they didn't make it clear that if you didn't check for your bib number on your smart phone, you had to pass the line to get to the bib numbers and come back to the ridiculous line. There wasn't much of a line later in the day when this girl had to go back for safety pins.

Pasta Dinner: free if you pre registered before like 9/16. Decent food and all you can eat pasta. Can't complain about a free meal!

The shirts: long sleeve tech shirts, but the same shirt for everything (Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, 1 miler).

The course. the first 2 miles had some hills (but at least you went down them on the way back). Relatively flat with occasional hills throughout the course. Water every 1-1.5 miles. They had some flavored water shenanigans- when you say water, I'm thinking straight up water, not flavored stuff. Don't miss out on the 'drummers' around mile 1- using trash cans and lids, it was awesome! The course is out and back so you know what to expect on the way back; only downside was about 5.5 miles in, the roads narrowed and it got hard to work around those coming back.

The Finish: ends in TD stadium, you go all the freaking way around the field. I just want to enter and be done. Chocolate milk was there, bananas, bagels, oranges, water and BBQ. Really congested though at some points.

The Medal: decent size and the 1/2 and Full marathon medal blinks!

Decent race, but something really needs to be done to make packet pick up easier. Since the races are staggered (1/2 and Full start at 7, the 5K at noon and the 10K at 1), they're really missing out on a marketing opportunity. I did the 1/2 and the 5K and i know others who did the 1/2, 5K and 10K, so that's something to consider in the future

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