Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

( 27 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Oklahoma City,
    United States
  • April
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Laura Mullins

Phoenix, Arizona, United States
62 22
"Truly a Run to Remember"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Laura Mullins's thoughts:

Oklahoma City in the spring time can bring very unpredictable weather. This year, the weather turned out to be a perfect backdrop for the full marathon. With overcast conditions, temps in the high 50s, and a cool north wind at about 15 mph, I knew this was a day meant for a successful race.

No matter which event you are running (marathon, half-marathon, relay or 5k), the start of this race is one of the most poignant and breathtaking events you will ever experience. The starting line is located on Harvey Ave, directly next to the west end of the Oklahoma City National Memorial. Shortly before the singing of the National Anthem, a moment of silence that lasts for 168 seconds: one second for every victim of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. The power of silence among 26,000 people is overwhelming. It reminds the runners of why the race is there in first place.

Runners are assigned a starting corral based on their anticipated finishing time, but the corrals are loosely monitored. Marathon, Half Marathon and Relay runners all start together (followed by the 5K event 30 minutes later), making the first few miles pretty crowded. This is not a bad thing if you are running the marathon! There are some hills on this course. They are not too long, but they can feel steep! Be careful not to push it too hard up the overpass at mile 2. There are still a lot of miles to go after that!

The spectator support along the course is wonderful! The water stops are lively and well stocked with a variety of refreshments. The half marathon and marathon courses separate at mile 8, which opens up the course significantly for marathoners to find their rhythm without having to weave through runners. Every water stop after mile 9 offered pretzels, powerade, water, oranges, bananas and sometime GU and wet sponges. There are lots of medic tents throughout the course and I never once felt unsupported during this race.

A wonderful local running store, Red Coyote, provides pace leaders for groups in both the marathon and half marathon. I was able to observe several different pacers sharing the load of the group, which ensures that their pacing stays accurate and on time. In addition, they were all so friendly and encouraging that the atmosphere among the runners made the perfect day even more enjoyable!

Local residents make a party of marathon day. You can see people in their driveways offering a variety of incentives to runners as they pass by. From shots of whiskey and cups of beer to free donuts or pieces of bacon, it is a runner's paradise! It truly is one, long block party for Oklahoma City!

The finish line is located on Broadway Ave, which is known as Automobile Alley. The last 1/2 mile is lined with cheering crowds which lifts your spirits into the finish line. At the finish, there are tons of volunteers offering hugs, blankets and medals. There is an awesome spread of post-race food and beverage (accept no beer...not sure if that's an Oklahoma law, but I don't like it), and cheeseburgers courtesy of Carl's Jr.

In addition to the adult events, there is also a very well-organized Kids' marathon event. Thousands of students from local schools who have logged 25 miles prior to race day, finish the last 1.2 miles on the marathon course. They have their own separate finishing area, complete with their own refreshments, supervision and security! All the kids receive finishers medals and have the chance to hang out with Rumble, the mascot for the OKC Thunder.

Overall, I highly recommend this race. However, I would caution those unfamiliar with Oklahoma weather patterns to be prepared for the unpredictable springtime weather here. It could snow, it could hail, it could be hot or it could be perfect. And it is true that the Oklahoma wind comes sweeping down the plains! I advise you to be flexible, but come do this race anyway. It is a vital fundraiser that benefits the sacred site of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and the museum.

For more information about my experience at the OKC Memorial Marathon, check out my race recap on my blog "Presently Running": https://wordpress.com/post/71139989/396/

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