• Louisville,
    United States
  • March
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, United States
12 25
"A Louisville tradition!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
SHERRY BOESCH's thoughts:

This is the first leg of the Louisville Triple Crown, and it's such an important race to this community! I've run it countless times before and always had a great time, and this year was no different. The packet pickup was held at the Louisville Slugger Stadium, which is such a cool location. While there wasn't much of an expo (Fleet Feet was set up), packet pickup was pretty seamless and the volunteers were great! Participants received trucker hats - not my personal style but I know lots of people love them.

Parking wasn't an issue for me on race day because I live close enough that I ran to the race with some friends. The corrals were pretty well managed, which I always appreciate it. The race itself was fun. My friend and I kept an easy pace since we were getting extra miles in after. The race day volunteers were super enthusiastic and cheered for us when we ran by. Probably the best things about the race were the free race photos (seriously awesome!) and the amount and variety of snacks at the end.

Highly recommend this race for anyone, including families and first-timers.

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