Gulf Beach Half Marathon

Gulf Beach Half Marathon

Gulf Beach Half Marathon

( 4 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Milford,
    United States
  • September
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Kimberly Greene

Stamford, Connecticut, United States
16 29
"Gulf Beach Half Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kimberly Greene's thoughts:

The communication for the race could not have been better. The race director was constantly providing updates on their Facebook page and sending emails weeks leading up to the race. Some smaller races do not have this communication so it was great to see that everything was already very organized.

The race was scheduled to start at 8:00am so I arrived by 7:00am to make sure I had enough time to pick up my bib and prepare for the race. Make sure you get there early to find parking. It was already very crowded when I arrived an hour before the race. Bib pick up was easy-peasy and only took 2 minutes.

Let's discuss some of the pros/cons of the race:

Communication - As I mentioned before, great pre-race, race day and after-race communication. Couldn't have asked for anything better
Water Stations - There were plenty of water stations along the course (I believe 6 in total). I didn't have to stop for water since I had my Nathan handheld with me, but there were plenty of volunteers to hand out water and Gatorade. They also had volunteers handing out GU along the course which I thought was great (even though I don't use GU). Most races only have GU available at one station but this race had it available at multiple locations.
Community Support - Since this race goes through Milford, many residents came out to cheer us on. It was really heart-warming to get high-fives from children and cheers and thumbs up from adults. Sometimes that support is really needed and I needed it a whole bunch!
Goody Bag/Race Shirt - This is the first race goody bag I have received where I will actually use everything. Also the race tech shirt is sleeveless!
Bathrooms - Luckily I didn't have to use the bathroom but I didn't see any lines, which is always a good thing.
Medal - You know I'm all about the "bling-bling" and this medal didn't disappoint. It's very fitting that the medal is a scull because I felt like death during and after the race.

Course - The race course was okay but there were certain areas where someone could/should have been directing traffic. I didn't feel comfortable running on a two-way traffic road with cars to my back. Most drivers were nice but some were assholes.
Finish Line - Okay. I know the beach is great and all, but finishing a race on the sand is just evil. Granted it was only the .1 of the race that was on the sand, but it was brutal. I was so worried about twisting my ankle. I can barely run on solid ground so running on sand was not for me lol.
Post-Race Food - This is just a personal preference since I prefer bagels and fruit at the finish. This race offered Subway sandwiches, chips and a cookie after the race. I'm not a huge fan of deli meat, but I did like that they had a somewhat healthy option available.

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