Gopher to Badger Half Marathon

Gopher to Badger Half Marathon

Gopher to Badger Half Marathon

( 7 reviews )
85% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Hudson,
    United States
  • August
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Ben Lamers

Shorewood, Wisconsin, United States
25 79
"Might Be My Favorite"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Ben Lamers's thoughts:

I put this down for 2016, but I've run the race the last three years. I just didn't want to clutter the page with three posts, when I can do it all with one.

This is the only race I've ever run more than twice. It's become my August tradition to race this bad boy. It's a good opportunity for me to see friends and visit my alma mater as well.

The course is practically built for a negative split...although I have yet to achieve that. You park at the riverfront in Hudson (lots of parking!) and get shuttled to the start line in Stillwater, MN. You're at the fairgrounds, so sometimes we aren't the only ones there. In 2015 there was a rodeo (I think) going on, so we ran around lots of farm animals, which was really cool.

The first six miles are rolling hills. And they're no joke. The first part you run almost exclusively through a neighborhood constantly going up and down. Almost no flat road after the first mile. Upon leaving the neighborhood, though, you get about a 1.5 mile stretch on flat straight road on a county highway. The road isn't closed, so be prepared to have some cars flying past. From here, you turn toward the river, and get some much needed downhill. That doesn't last, though, as you turn up to get to the I-94 bridge (this part always kills me) to cross the St. Croix. The last mile is along the Hudson Riverfront, and feels like it take FOREVER.

With a race in early August, you never know what you'll get. In 2014, the weather was...ok. It was warm, but not hot by any means. In 2015, we have 60s and overcast. Perfect. And last year, 2016, it was hot and humid. Come prepared for just about any condition you can think of.

Like I said, this is probably my favorite race and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is willing to listen to me.

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