• Overland Park,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, 100 miles
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Kansas, United States
7 14
"Great Race on Indian Creek Trail "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kayla 's thoughts:

I really enjoyed this race experience. Packet pickup was very easy. I picked up the day before the race at Scheel's, although race-day pickup was also an option. The shirt giveaway was a lightweight hoodie, which is very soft and comfortable. There were pacers available for both the half and full marathon. The race did start about 5 minutes late, but they announced this at the start, so we weren't just wondering what was taking so long and when the race would begin (which happened at my race last weekend). The course begins through an office park before going onto the Indian Creek Trail, which is a nice paved trail. There were aid stations every 2 miles, so there was plenty of aid on the course. Because most of the race is on trail, there weren't many spectators, but there were a few spots where spectators had gathered. There are a few hills, and one hill that seemed to go on forever in my mind, but the trail portion is mostly flat. The finish line festival had great post-race food, including bagels and ramen noodles, as well as a food truck that served a full breakfast for $5. The medal is a little on the smaller side compared to bigger races, but very colorful and fun! Overall, this was a great race that I would definitely run again.

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