First Light Marathon

First Light Marathon

First Light Marathon

( 7 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Mobile,
    United States
  • January
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
20 33
"Flat, fast, fun!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meredith 's thoughts:

The second half of a back to back weekend, the flat and fast First Light Half Marathon is a great compliment to the previous day's hills.

Location – I took the Blues Bus along with about 80 other runners making their way to Mobile from Jackson, MS. It was a roughly 3 hour drive but if you choose to fly in the airport isn't too far from the race location. A small, clean and friendly city Mobile has some New Orleans type flavors and it's clear from the history around you that the city's seen some excitement over the years.

Expo/Swag – The expo is small but well organized and easy to move through. Not only do you pick up your race number and some other goodies, the tech shirts are gender specific and comfortable. Along with tech shirts and numbers, runners who are participating in the Back2Back challenge receive their award plaques. I thought that was odd since I hadn't yet finished the second event but when you're awarded a second medal at the finish line, it makes sense. Less clutter in a traffic filled area.

Start – The start doesn't have corrals and it is kind of crowded with people sorting themselves out for the first few minutes. Everything went off right on time and gear check was clearly marked. There were Port-a-Potties somewhere because I heard someone talking about them but I didn't see or use one. Having walked from my hotel a few blocks away I was also unaware of the parking situation. There were several big lots that seemed to be filled with runners and since the race is fairly small, I can't imagine parking being too difficult.

Course – Flat with lots of long straightaways make this one a great chance to PR. That is, of course, if you haven't been beaten up by the hills of Mississippi the day before. Scenery is nice as you're taken through quiet neighborhood streets with plenty of running room after clearing out the traffic early on. Roads are not completely closed but the police did a great job of keeping the course clear of cars and cones clearly marked where we should and should not have been running.

Course Support – Mobile PD and lots of volunteers make for good course support on this one. Traffic was well controlled on the open roads. With the race's small size you have lots of peace and quiet along with lots of room to run, especially after the full splits off at Mile 8.5. Water stops are well stocked and GU was distributed by a bike rider between Miles 9 and 10.

Finish - A long straightaway with a slight downhill pours you into a single file chute to finish. The tag from your number is taken as you are awarded a handmade medal and, if finishing the Back2Back challenge, a medal for that as well. Heat sheets and bottled water a next with food right around the corner in Bienville Park. I was in a hurry to get back for a shower before returning to see if I had won an award so I didn't stick around immediately following my finish.

Post Race/Awards – After a quick shower and protein bar, I went back to the Park to check on results. The top ten are pulled out and given special recognition while age group awards are picked up. I ended up third in my age group and was awarded a second handmade plaque that immediately became one of my favorites. Created by residents of L'Arche Mobile, a community for those with intellectual disabilities, it's nice to be awarded something that wasn't made by a machine. After picking up my AG award, my three travel companions and I enjoyed a few complimentary bowls of rice and beans as well as a few adult beverages. Port-a-Potties were convenient and parking back at the start wasn't more than a few blocks away. The heat sheets were important on the cool morning and the park was a bit muddy but everyone was smiling.

A small, friendly and well run event, the First Light Half Marathon features a flat fast tour of Mobile that shouldn't be missed. With handmade medals and awards to top off the friendly course, I'd definitely recommend checking this one out.

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