• Charleston ,
    South Carolina,
    United States
  • May
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website


South Carolina, United States
1 18
"Trail race with a fun post race celebration "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Michelle 's thoughts:

I ran the entire series this year. The series consists of 4 races over the course of the summer and there is a discount if you participate in all of the races.
The course is out on Daniel Island and runs through the trails. The course is a bit more difficult than most of the courses in Charleston. There is ample water stations and beautiful views.
If you sign up for the series you do get a different t-shirt with every race. Each racer gets a finishers medal that doubles as a bottle opener as well. Each race concludes at a different bar/restaurant where each racer gets 1 free beer as well. Awards are given to the top 3 overall male and female which this year was a really big prize basket from Fleet Feet sports. They included gift cards, balega socks, a hat, and water bottles. As well each winner of each age group received an award too which consisted of beer glasses or shot glasses.
Some of the restaurants/bars were a bit too small for how big of a group we had. The beer was usually bud light so it's nothing fancy that you get either.

Overall: It's nice to change it up with some trail running in Charleston and it is good "bang for your buck" as far as races go.

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