• Atlanta,
    United States
  • October
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 100 miles
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Illinois, United States
6 18
"Ghouling Good Time"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Red 's thoughts:

First off one must know that I ran the 5k not the half since I ran the Atlanta 10 MIler the weekend before. However, if I am in Atlanta next year for this race, I plan on running the half. That is how great this race is!!!

T-Shirts/Swag: The shirt for this race is great! It is a gender specific technical shirt with a great logo. Honestly this is my favorite race shirt to date! It has a sugar skull and I am a HUGE fan of sugar skulls!!! The medal is great and it glows in the dark!!! It was a nice surprise when I walked into the house without lights on. I now need the large half marathon medal!!!

Aid Stations: Only one on the 5k course but was well stocked and they were ready for us. Aid stations were set up every 1.5 miles for the half and I feel that is sufficient as I carry my own water. Bathrooms were at every aid station and there were plenty of bathrooms at the starting line as well.

Course Scenery: The 5k starts and ends in Piedmont Park so you can't get better than a run around the park!!!

Expo Quality: No expo but a packet pickup at a local running store. It was a nice store that was very overpriced, even with their 15% off coupon they were offering that day. I am not about to pay $40 for a store shirt from a running store.

Elevation: Not bad considering Atlanta is know for it's hills!!!! My costume made it worse as I had a beard on and I underestimated the beard. Drinking water and breathing did not go well for me on this one. HA! Lesson learned.

Parking: Since the course starts in Piedmont Park, parking is about 3/4 of a mile away at the Botanical Gardens. Parking cost $5.00 which wasn't bad at all and it is a nice warm up to the start of the race.

Race Management: LOVED IT! This race was organized and thought out. Music was great as well as vendors that were there after the race. The management of this race is what makes me want to run the half next year even if it is the weekend after the 10 Miler!

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