• Richmond,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 5 miles/8K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Delaware, United States
1 1
"Great fall marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Abby 's thoughts:

Expo was quick and easy.
I stayed at an Airbnb a few blocks from the start area, so I can't comment on the downtown parking availability on race morning.
Start area could've used a little more signage to point people around (my husband ran the half and I ran the full, and we both had a little trouble finding our respective gear check trucks.) Pre-race port-o-potty lines were also massive, but where are they not.
The race itself was spot-on. Zero complaints. The course was beautiful, especially the two miles (9 and 10) along the James River. A little hilly to me, but I live in a super flat area, so any elevation change is going to be very noticeable. Probably wasn't actually that bad.
Aid stations were every two miles up to 20 and every mile thereafter as promised, and just about on top of the mile markers, so we always knew exactly when to expect the next one. Water and Powerade at each, plus plenty of port-o-potties. Energy gels, candy, pickle juice and wet washcloths strategically placed at some of the later aid stations. Lots of helpful volunteers at each.
Plenty of spectator support too -- loved all the signs and unofficial extra aid stations. Thanks for the beer, everyone at mile 22!
Downhill finish felt amazing!
Loved all the swag -- long-sleeved women's cut T-shirt, medal, fleece blanket, stainless steel pint (though I believe that was special this year for the 40th anniversary.)
Papa John's pizza and Sierra Nevada beer hit the spot!
My one and only complaint was the lack of changing tents near the gear check trucks after the finish. It was COLD this year and I just wanted to get out of my slightly sweaty clothing as soon as possible after I was done. I understand the local Y lets runners use its showers for free, which is very kind, but I didn't want to walk somewhere for a shower (could've gone back to the Airbnb for that), I just wanted to change clothes.
Other than that, I would say Richmond has its marathon experience down to a science, and I highly recommend it!

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