Latest reviews by Kathy O'hearn

"Don't do just the 5k"
Aid Stations
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Race Management

I was incredibly frustrated by this race this year. I did the 5k in hopes of a PR and that just proved to be unfortunately impossible. I was in corral C, where runners who were running a 9:09-9:39 pace were supposed to be. Well clearly nobody listened to this because the whole race I was dodging in and out of people. According to my watch I PR'd by 45 seconds but also ran .3 additional... ended up missing my PR by 10 seconds. I decided to just let this go BUT I logged on today to find some pictures from the race and there are 0 found when I search. I definitely had my picture taken multiple times and am very frustrated by this. Between the cheap shirt, over-crowdedness of the race and lack of race management, I don't think I'll ever run this race again.

Caveat: My sister in law did the Italian Stallion and did not deal with this issue. I think that is because they start ahead of everyone. I also did the 10 miler 3 years ago and also did not have this issue.

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