Latest reviews by Emily Usher

"Nice scenery but..."
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Course Scenery
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Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

make sure to pee before you arrive or get there super super early. I counted exactly 12 porta pots, there were 1,069 finishers. This doesn't take into account the family and friends of the finishers. You also have to take into account the .5 mile walk to the start from where you park. AND the maybe 15 minutes you have to drive through the park to get to the parking fields. In all, plan to arrive 45 minutes prior to gun time. Don't get me wrong, I like the race, and will likely return. But will be arriving much earlier.

I would also like to see corral starts. At the very least a runners vs walkers start. I was 4 minutes in(the first two of the race I was still in the porta pot), and still passing walkers. I love that folks are showing up to walk, but please have them start at the back, or even a separate start entirely.

Shirts are standard issue, mens size only. would gain a star for womens cuts. Medals are nice, heavy, and have a little Norton Health spinner that has nothing on the back (oops?). There are overall and age group awards, but it was cold and I wanted to get back to the fam so I didn't hang around for the awards.

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"Run or Ride? Why not both!!!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

Been doing this race for three years now. Well, took one year off cuz I'd just had a kid. There are a few choices to make here. You run? great, do the 5k. You bike? Sweet, do the A or B (6 vs 3 laps) bike race. Ride fast? Right on, toss the time trial in. Do all of it? Epic, go for the King or Queen of the trail. Got a kiddo? Good for you sign them up for everything from a strider race for 2-6yo, trail run or ride on a shorter course. The course is mostly the same for all of the adult races. A bit is cut off for the 5k, the time trial is the A/B course backwards(and the easier way IMO).

No aide stations on course, but not really needed for a 5k. And the course is short enough that you can grab stuff at the start stop area as you pass through if needed on the bike. Or get a camelbak. Food trucks and popsicle trucks are at the start stop area for post ride fuels. Live music is around for a good part of the day.

Pic is of me and my little dude, he thought he was gonna race the time trial. :)

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