Latest reviews by Sarah Hansen

"Flat, fast, spectator friendly, and scenic -- but quiet "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

--Flat and fast (only one real hill to speak of around mile 18), and at a great time of year for perfect weather - all great for a BQ/PR attempt.
--Very spectator friendly. My (very dedicated) husband was able to see me seven times (at two spots he could see me twice).
--The first about 12 miles offer stunning scenery as you meander through Cape Henlopen State Park.
--The trails in the park, and later, the Junction and Breakwater Trail, offer some crushed stone miles that make it a little easier on the joints compared to pavement.
--Course was very well-marked, and aid stations were frequent and well-staffed.
--Post race party was well stocked with food and beer. Generous allowance of beer tickets (four for runners, three for guests).
--Pint glass was included in packet pick up goody bag, in addition to the shirt.
--Humongous, attractive medal (although bordering on too big to be worn comfortably, and I might have preferred a few dollars of my registration and a slightly smaller one).

--Lack of crowd support. This is a smaller race and not in a big city, so it's somewhat expected, but especially from miles about 22 to the end, it was *very* quiet.
--Roads are not closed, so in a few spots there is traffic nearby. Not too busy, but also not ideal.
--Second half of the race the scenery is much less impressive than the first half, but still isn't terrible.
--No gear check and conflicting information leading up to the race from RD about whether there was one or not. Thankfully I was staying close enough that I could go back to my hotel and back to the start again after dropping my sweats. I think this was only for 2021, but something to be aware of.
--Expo was pretty small. No giveaways!
--Guest tickets for post-race party were a little steep ($30).

Overall - I recommend for a BQ/PR attempt and if you enjoy a smaller, quieter race that is still very well organized, spectator friendly, has great weather, and offers really lovely scenery (in the first half). I also recommend if you want a mix of more joint-friendly surfaces in a road-style race. Do not come expecting big crowds or the feel of a big-city race -- you will be disappointed.

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"Fast, beautiful course and great support!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This race exceeded expectations. The beautiful course winds through the Rock Creek park system and is nearly 100% in wooded, shady areas. The net downhill course with occasional rollers was perfect for a fast time. The post-race food was plentiful, hot, and tasty, and the swag (a technical hat, long-sleeve tech tee, and medal) were all great. Especially on a day with sub-par weather conditions (pouring rain the entire race), I was impressed with the energy and enthusiasm of race volunteers and organizers. The aid stations were well-stocked with both Gatorade and water (and port-o-pots!) every two miles. I would highly recommend this event, and despite the heavy rain (or perhaps because of?) I had an absolute ball. Thank you for a great experience!

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