Latest reviews by Whitney Wilson

"Fort4Fitness Fall Festival: 4 Mile Race "
Aid Stations
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Race Management

For 2018, there were 4 races you could sign up for: the 4 mile, 10k, half marathon and full marathon. I chose to run the 4 mile race because I had just come back from a stress fracture in my foot and had to take 6 weeks off running. The registration process was very straightforward and detailed on what you could expect come race day.

The packet pick-up was the Friday before the race at Parkview Field in Fort Wayne. I really enjoyed the "expo" for the packet pick-up. The expo was open from 12pm-8pm, which was perfect for me since I work until 5pm on Fridays and have about a 30 minute drive to Fort Wayne. There were a lot of local vendors at the expo talking about their products and services. I didn't end up staying long; I just wanted to grab my packet and get back home.

The 4 mile race didn't start until 10:30am so I had plenty of time to wake up and get around in the morning. Luckily, I was able to find parking relatively close to the start line (a couple blocks away) so that wasn't an issue at all. The corrals were somewhat congested, so it took a minute or so to actually get past the start line and begin running. Once I was able to break away from the crowd there was plenty of room on the course to run and it went smoothly. The course was flat the entire time and the last .5 or so miles were ran in Parkview Field to get to the finish line, which I thought was cool. There were tons of spectators in the crowed cheering you on as you finished!

At the finish they were taking pictures and had water for all the runners. I sat down in the outfield to rest and stretch while my mom finished her race. I wish they would have given out some sort of food such as a banana at the finish because I was pretty hungry! The race after-party went on until 1pm that day, so people could hang around and grab food/drinks and chat with vendors.

The swag was somewhat disappointing this year. For the price you pay for a ticket, I thought they would at least have some goodies in the bag like sport beans, gels, coupons etc. They only really provided a race map, some "coupons" i'll never use and a t-shirt. The t-shirt for the 4-mile race was red and yellow (which sadly reminded me of McDonald's) and the Fort4Fitness logo was done in a weird font.. I think they were going for a superman theme? not really sure. But other than that the race was great and I really enjoyed being a participant!

If you want to check out my full review, head over to

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"Joseph Decuis Trail 10k & 5k "
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Race Management

On July 28, 2018 I ran the Joseph Decuis Trail 5k. The packet pick-up was the Friday before the race at Fleet Feet Sports in Fort Wayne. You had to pick up your packet between 12pm and 7pm I believe. I wish they would have expanded to 2 days to pick up your packet since I work til 5:30pm throughout the week and have a 30 minute drive to get to Fort Wayne. I somewhat felt rushed. But other than that, packet pick-up was fast and easy and we got some cool swag.

The swag included a t-shirt that was made of the sweat-wicking fabric and looked really professional. We would also receive a finisher medal once we crossed the finish line. There were sport beans and other small goodies like nuun tablets etc included in the bag and also a coupon for a discount on products purchased at Fleet Feet.

The course was the most beautiful course i've ever ran! It was on the Joseph Decuis farm and you were mostly on trails the whole. I had views on the vineyard and beautiful landscape surrounding the trails. 10/10 for scenery! It was mostly flat, but did have a few short hills throughout, which kept things interesting.

The race was managed very well. I knew where I was going on the course and didn't have any problems finding the staring line or knowing where to go/what to do. The parking was directed by volunteers so everyone parked in the same open area next to each other.

The after-race party was great. Joseph Decuis hosted a farm-to-table brunch that was included in the cost of your ticket which included your choice of a mimosa, bloody mary or beer. There was also live entertainment after the race and people could hang around and eat/drink and socialize. There was also an awards ceremony for the winners in each category. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this race and will definitely be signing up next year!

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"The Big Run 5K (Global Running Day)"
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Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

I ran The Big Run 5K hosted by Fleet Feet Sports to celebrate Global Running Day! The packet pick up/registration was only one day - the day before the race - and you had to go to the local Fleet Feet Sports running store from 12pm-7pm to pick up your race packet. I wish they would have expanded the time or allowed for packet pick up the day of, because I live outside of Fort Wayne and work until 5:30pm every day, so I felt a little rushed. I thought the swag was well worth the $25 signup fee. Every participant received a commemorative Big Run T-shirt, a large finisher's medal, packet of nuun and 2 packets of stinger energy jelly beans. Your $25 fee also gets you a Popsicle from Xisco's Pops.

The race was held at 6:30pm at Indian Trails Park in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There was plenty of parking available which was great. There was a DJ playing music getting everyone pumped up for the race. At the start line there were signs separating each pace group, which I thought was very helpful. The course started out on the running trail in the park, then wraps around a neighborhood, and continues back onto the trail in the park for the finish. I really enjoyed this course. Along the way, I only saw two aid staions, but it was a shorter run so that's probably to be expected.

At the finish line, every participant received a finisher medal and either water or a nuun drink. They also had a photo booth station with signs that people could hold up and take photos with and post to social media for a chance to win prizes. After all the runners had finished, there were hot dogs & chips to eat and music playing. I ended up staying for the awards ceremony then headed home. Overall, I really enjoyed this race and will continue to do it in years to come!

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"First Ever Half Marathon "
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Race Management

This was my first ever half marathon. It was a fantastic race and there were so many runners, as well as people cheering the entire 13.1 miles! I ran the race without stopping and will definitely be doing it again next year! If you want to read the full review on my experience, head over to!

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