Latest reviews by Janytzabell Rodriguez-Ramos

"Great local race!"
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I’ve dont the Frosty 1/2 Road Race the past 4 years and plan on running it every year. The course was recently (2017) certified by the USATF in 2017, they have a drop off at the 1st water station for gear that you want to ditch during your run (and can collect it back post-race), good swag (hat & glass), showers/ lockets post-race, plenty of parking (since it starts/ ends at the middle school), & breakfast for the runners at the end.

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"Run with the Marines"
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MCM is on my top list of marathons! Great course, very well organized, and nothing beats the marines putting your metal on you when you are done running. The blue area on the course is beyond touching/ emotional as you run through pictures (and Family members) of those Marines that are POW/ MIA. It’s definitely a race that I would recommend to add to any marathoners list and is beginner friendly for anyone looking to do their first full. That being said, be prepared to walk and a lot. I think it’s about 1 mile walking to the starting area from where you get dropped off and 1 mile until you reunite with your family post-race. Also, leave early to race start as you have to go through security that gets backed up as the runners start showing up.

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"Definitely more hills than miles "
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I was convinced by a friend to register for the Cape Ann 25K as a training run during my marathon training cycle. I have mixed feelings about recommending this race. It’s advertised as more hills than miles and that is certainly true. While it was a great way to hill train and had plenty of parking, it did not seem the most organized. There wasn’t any one really watching out for the traffic or the runners on the course. Had my eyes not been glued to the person ahead of me, I likely would of got lost. I was also praying during most of the run and especially during the intersections that I did not get hit by a car. Thankfully the most I had to dodge was the random lady who decided to swing her door open as we were passing. Also, they did not have all the awards for the winners, which I feel was harsh especially given having to work very hard to earn it in the first place (those hills are no joke especially the one in the last mile). If the race could work on those few things, I think it would be such a great event.

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"My St.Patty’s Tradition "
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Before I share my experience, I do have to share I’m a bit biased as this was my first race ever & every year that I run it to me is a celebration of how far I’ve come. I ran NBHM for the 1st time in 2011 and have run it every year since. The conditions have always been different (from chilly to windy to warm), but those 2-3 miles along the beach always seem to be a challenge. It’s the one place your sure to find a head wind. Nonetheless, the spectators throughout that area (and pretty much the whole course) definitely help you keep at it. There is plenty of parking, the roads are closed to runners, and plenty of aid stations giving out water and the course as a whole is pretty scenic though it does have some hills (mile 3 to 4 and 11 to 13) so keep that in mind.

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"Get your name in the lottery! "
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I would highly recommend getting your name in the lottery for Falmouth or getting a invitational bib through one of the affiliated charities/ sponsors. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to participate every year since 2011 (minus 2013) through one of these means and am certainly going to try again in 2018.
The race began as a competition between 2 local/ competitive runners who raced from one bar to another (yes the race begins and ends at a bar) & since then has drawn a crazy amount of runners (about 7,000 people run this race) including elites/ world-class runners, such as Meb, Sarah Hall, Team Hoyt, etc.
It’ll be an early start to your day (so be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before) since you have to take a shuttle to race start (no cars are allowed up there). If you can have friends/ family go up or know someone who lives nearby that lets you park at their house, then do it. There is no shuttles to bring you back when you end! I usually drag family to have them drop me off at the shuttles and then meet me at finish. We still have a little walking to where they parked, but not as much as if you had to walk back to where the shuttles picked you up (about 1.5 miles)... unless your planning on a cool down run.. then, I guess it works.
Make sure to dress cool as the race is in August, which is HOT, and there is not much shade near the water. The course does have a few rolling hills (mostly in the beginning, but a good one at the 10k mark) so pace yourself.
Also, keep in mind you have to get your bib during the Expo. No race day bib pick up. Therefore, while it’s a nice expo, it can get crowded and parking (for the Expo) can be a headache.

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