Latest reviews by Renée

"Where the Netherlands is NOT Flat - 7HL "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
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Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

In 2015 I did this race for the 5th time and I will be doing it again in 2017.

Most people think that the Netherlands is an flat country where the only things that are happening anywhere are in Amsterdam. Not true! Venture out to the other side of the country where we have hills and forest and gorgeous scenery! This race is very popular, is very busy, but very well organised in waves.

This race is not called the 7 hills for nothing. It starts out nice enough but your eyes will play tricks on you - the elevation is already going up at the first kilometer! There are some nice downhills around kilometer 6 and 7 but sure enough back up at 8. The hardest hill is at 11. The scenery is incredible but as soon as you see this hill you will really wonder if you will make it up in once piece.

After conquering the hill at 11KM "it's all downhill from there". Here's also where you start to see a lot of people cheering, playing music, drumming (happens along the course but in some places is sparse). You come around the corner at 14 and know you are finally almost at the finish. A bit of a further push and you are done! Medal scored!

I'm not a fast runner but since I live on this side of the country I have the advantage of training on hills. In 2015 I scored my 7HL PR - looking back I've no idea how I ran that fast! I can't wait to run it again in just a few weeks time!

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