Latest reviews by Denise Liss

"Windy as Kansas before the Wizard"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

The year that I ran the heavens opened up on us once everyone was in their corral and the first wave took off. The winds picked up and gusted up to 40 mph pushing us backwards. Even so, it was fun to run down the strip with no cars. Seeing all of the lights was fantastic. I got a kick out of the people stopping to make their wedding vows while on course. The group was enormous!!

I am sad to say though, many water stations did not have water and/or people there to give it to runners. That made the run very difficult since I look for the Gatorade because I only carry water.

I finally crossed the finish line and walked through a gauntlet of goodies. There was a lot of food to restore what was lost on course. The medals were awesome (a slot machine with moveable numbers) and finishing next to the Bellagio fountain was special.

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