Latest reviews by Jason

"Amazing and Unique Course - Well Organized"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

Entering its 40th Internation Race, the Detroit Free Press International Marathon (International Half) is an absolute must for those seeking a unique course.

To start, the event is very well organized and provides a great deal of information leading up to the event, including training runs, border access requirements, and more. The expo features plenty of race-related vendors, other race organizers, and photo opportunities. The shirts and medals this year (and last year) were very well done.

The race itself starts off with a gradual incline until you reach the Ambassador Bridge (connects Detroit, MI to Windsor, ON), which then puts you on a great incline until you reach the center point over the Detroit River. As you enter Canada, you are greeted by a local DJ and the Canadian Border Patrol that are all cheering you on and welcoming you to their country. The run that takes you along the river and winds through the city leading you to the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. The tunnel takes you under the Detroit River - the only international, underwater mile you can run. As you exit the tunnel around mile 8, you are greeted by a huge group of people welcoming you back the United States. As you wind along the river, through Mexico Town, Corktown, and finally downtown as you reach the final stretch for 13.1.

The post-race volunteers passed out snack bags (banana, trail mix, pretzels, etc.), chocolate milk, and water. The post-race celebration area had beer tents, free massages for the runners, merchandise, and food trucks.

All-in-all, it was a great run. I set a PR by nearly 10 minutes despite the warmer temperature and humidity. I look forward to running the course again next year.

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