Latest reviews by Laurie

"Beautiful race. Tough weather"
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I made a mistake planning for the race. I am from the UP the great white north, so it didn't surprise me when I saw Detroit morning temps of 32 degrees. But it took me until the evening before the race to realize that I had been following Detroit, MN not Detroit, MI. Duh.. So when I discovered my mistake as I pinned on my bib, I realized that the start was going to be 70 degrees at 7am, and it was humid!! I've learned to pack for all conditions (Ex: Tulsa in 2011 was 70 on Saturday and race morning 32 degrees and rain, I did not bring tights). The only thing that I did not have was my Hammer Endurolytes. The first 8 miles were brutally hot. The Windsor Tunnel lived up to its hot and stifling reputation, but after that I picked up my pace and loved the city and support. All was going well, I was looking at a 5:40 finish until the wind hit!. It was literally blowing me off of my feet. The last 5K took me 45 minutes. I was happy to finish in just under 6 hours. I look forward to running it again when the weather is better.

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