Latest reviews by Mark

"Flat, Fast, Fun"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

A fast and flat course with great views of mission bay. Staggering start times kept the traffic down on a narrow path, but as I was finishing, the 5k was starting which lead to some slow downs with under 1/2 mile to go as I was trying to turn the afterburners on. Unique finishers medal and the choice of an old fashion (good looking) cotton T-shirt or Tote bag. I will definitely run this again next year and try for a PR.

Choice of T-shirt or Tote
Fun Entertainment
Great Post Race booths
Different start times for each race

Parking was a bit far away if you were running late or had a later star time.
Packet Pickup was a bit chaotic as Road Runner (as it always is on Saturday)

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