Latest reviews by Christine

"Challenging Course: Hills, Hills and More Horrible Hills"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

I signed up for this race because 1. It was on a Saturday (not many race are in my area) and I was so happy to know I would be able to rest on Sunday. 2. It was 20 minutes from my home! I picked up my bib on race day and we received short sleeve cotton tees - not the best shirt in my opinion.

The race started on time which was great - 10am! The first two miles were easy, good for warming up - flat/downhill but after that it was just hill after hill after hill. At mile 10 I was psyched up because in my mind I only had a 5k left to run. But, as I turned onto the next road there was this massive hill in front of me which they call "The green monster". I just couldn't muster up the strength to run up it so I walked it, and continued running to the finish (with more hills, surprise). Surprisingly I had a 5 minute pr but boy was this a challenging course! I wouldn't recommend it as a first half for someone but definitely recommend if you want a challenge!

The volunteers were fantastic - always ready with water and Gatorade! And I will say, having an Italian sub after the race was amazing! It tasted so good!

The medal left me disappointed - it was just a round metal with a sticker slapped onto it. For $60 entry fee I was hoping for a better tee and medal. Definitely a one and done race for me. But overall it was a nice experience

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