Latest reviews by Victoria

"Good race, needs better parking"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This was my second half ever (first was Rock and Roll Chicago of this year). Overall, the race was well organized this year, course was not too hilly and there was a lot of cheer groups in the subdivisions we ran through. Even some gave away tissues and mimosas. My big complaints are that it took forever to get through gear check to pick up my belongings after the race and parking. The race was at Naperville Central High School and I parked in the downtown parking garage about 5 blocks away. There were not many options available nearby unless if I wanted to donate $10. However, after 13 miles of running, I dreaded the 5 block hike back to my car. Overall it was a good race and I would highly recommend over the first half I did.

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