Williams Route 66 Marathon

Williams Route 66 Marathon

Williams Route 66 Marathon

( 58 reviews )
98% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Tulsa,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Other, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

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Thank you to everyone who Rocked the Route last weekend.

Meg S

Virginia, United States
13 62
"Tulsa? Actually pretty cool! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meg S's thoughts:

Trying to run all 50 states means I've gotten to see some truly spectacular places and run some great marathons. But there are a few states that, to be quite honest, I'm just not as excited to run (no offense to anyone living in those states!). Oklahoma was one I wasn't that excited about but I'd heard good things about Route 66 so I signed up for the 10th anniversary run. Great decision!

First, Tulsa is a pretty cool city. I stayed downtown at Aloft which put me within easy walking distance of pretty much everything race-related and right next door to the expo location. It was a great choice and they went all out in support of the marathon too, posting the event information and maps, and wearing shirts and pins with the marathon name and logo. It's fun to see that kind of support from a hotel! That also set the stage for the whole weekend, as it's a pretty festive atmosphere all around, even though downtown Tulsa itself kind of closes down on Saturdays and Sundays. Not to worry though, as there are still good restaurants nearby!

Expo: I'm not an expo person and I usually try to get to the expo first thing to get it over with. I was a little surprised at how they ran packet pickup. There was a single file line to get to the long table where multiple volunteers were sitting, so it was more like going to the bank and going to the first available teller when you're at the front of the line. Usually it seems like packets are picked up based on last name or bib number. I've run the big races - Chicago, Disney, Boston, NYC, MCM - and I think those races had faster pickup than Route 66. That said, I did get there early and didn't have to wait that long thankfully. I walked around briefly to check out the vendors and get my Marathon Maniac wristband which gave me access to the MM/50 State area pre-race and post-race. I also got my zip up jacket which is a nice piece of swag.

Race morning was clear and cold (perfect!). I walked the short distance to the start downtown which was so nice - no driving, parking, or shuttle required. As a Maniac I accessed the roped off area which had its own portajohns as well as coffee and water. We also took a Maniac photo which was crazy, because this race draws a TON of Maniacs! It was a festive beginning on a beautiful day.

The race went off on time and we marathoners split off from the half runners fairly quickly (if I remember correctly). The course itself had some rolling hills but I didn't find it to be terribly challenging (but I live in a hilly area!). Most of it was somewhat scenic and it ran through some beautiful, wealthy neighborhoods! There was also a college campus in there somewhere. Crowds were pretty good and the aid stations were frequent. I'd also like to say that I have never seen so many people handing out alcohol on a marathon course!! I didn't partake but it was everywhere - Fireball, Jell-o shots, beer, and who knows what else. If you took one of each you'd be fairly smashed by the halfway point! Very enthusiastic people all around!

Route 66 also has the Center of the Universe Detour, also known as the World's Shortest Ultra. This is a short detour off the course (also marked and optional) that takes you to another beer stop and you receive a large coin upon completing it before rejoining the marathon course. It's right before the end and I think it takes the distance from 26.2 to 26.5. I did it and it was fun, though be prepared for a short, steep hill as you go back to the marathon.

The finish area was festive and the medal was awesome. As a 50 Stater or Marathon Maniac you could swap your standard marathon medal for a custom club medal. The line was very long for half runners who were switching their medals out, but the marathon was smaller and therefore no line! I thought this was a really nice touch and it's among my favorite medals!

There were shuttles running back into downtown from the finish but they were getting stuck in traffic. I chose to walk the mile or so back, which I'm usually glad to do as it helps shake the legs out. It was nice weather and a good stroll. I ended up going back to the restaurant I ate at the day before for my post-race meal: a burger wrapped and baked in pizza dough. Yum!

Overall assessment: great race, and a happy surprise for this doubter. Tulsa was fun and the race was very well organized, festive, and offered fantastic amenities, especially if you're a member of one or both clubs (MM or 50 States). I enjoyed running the course itself and definitely recommend it to other marathoners.

Thank you for the excellent review, Meg. We're so glad you enjoyed our race and our city. Come back to join us soon! Cheryl

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