US Air Force Marathon

US Air Force Marathon

US Air Force Marathon

( 33 reviews )
90% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Dayton,
    United States
  • September
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Virtual Race
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Jonathon Sellers

Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
1 7
"So Close to GREAT"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jonathon Sellers's thoughts:


Easy registration. HUGE expo with lots of vendors and a well-organized packet pick up. The expo was at the Wright State Nutter Center. Easy parking and convenient.

Race Morning:
Ok, the instructions said arrive 2 hours early. I'm a little torn on this. On one hand, I arrived at 7:30 and was at the start line at 8:00 with nothing to do for 30 minutes... On the other hand, if everyone had done what I had, we would have been in trouble. The limited entrances plus the insanely long walk (more on that later) certainly dictate an earlier than usual arrival. The start line and ceremonies were exciting and interesting. Fun to listen to the 10k finishers come home as we waited to start.

Ok, i have two big issues. First, the start time. 8:30 AM is really late. I don't know many runners who want to start a race that late. I am sure it is to accommodate the marathon, or the logistics of getting in, but still, it's really late. Second, we battled congestion for a solid 2 miles. This race is pretty big and really needs a wave start. As far as issues the race can control, that's really my only complaints. This is a really cool race. Lot's of aid stations with amazing volunteers. Special shout out to the high school-aged kids at the stop just after the halfway point. Their energy was UNBELIEVABLE. Really needed it at that point. It was unseasonably warm. The race started under a yellow flag and was on a red flag by 9AM. I am told the black flags came out when it hit 90 degrees and they pulled everyone off the course. Thankfully, I was long gone by then, but still, the warmest race I have ever done. At mile 10, they had cold sponges... Lifesaver!!! The finish line announcer (can anyone tell me his name?) was terrific. But the highlight of the day was definitely running under the wing of a C-17 and having a USAF Colonel meet me at the finish line and place the medal around my neck. An honor! P.S., coolest medal ever...

Post Race
Mountains of cold water, Gatorade, cookies, donuts, bread, fruit, etc. Best recovery set up ever!

Minor complaint... It was a full mile walk from the finish line to my car. That was not fun. Many cars were much further away. Some kind of shuttle would be cool, but honestly the walking aids recovery so I'm not that bent out of shape about it.

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