Trinity River Run

Trinity River Run

Trinity River Run

( 7 reviews )
85% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Dallas,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Krista Lee

Dallas, Texas, United States
9 19
"Race Recap - The Trinity River Run"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Krista Lee's thoughts:

It's 8:00 am and I am still laying in bed on a Saturday morning, but wait, it's race day, did I oversleep? No, for the first time, I’m running an evening race, the Trinity River Run. Of course, I’ve run social 5k’s in the evening but never an official race, with a set goal and a medal dangling like a carrot at the finish line.

I enjoyed not getting up and standing in the corrals at 6 or 7 am, but there is a downfall to running an evening race, nutrition. My routine for race morning consists of a green or beet juice, maybe a banana (since starting the Ketoterian plan this has been eliminated), and my new pre-race fuel a Celsius energy drink. Now, what should I eat between 8:00 am - 5:30 pm (start time)? I began with a large meal in the morning, a salad for lunch, then Buda juice until race time. I do admit that I had a little snack binge between 3 and 4 pm.

The weather in Texas has changed from hot and humid to crisp and cool, which is perfect weather for running. But, I have one little secret to share, I have not yet figured out how to dress for cool weather, I tend to overdress because I’m cold in the corrals but today, I’m going to follow the guidelines for running in less than 50 degrees weather, long or cropped pants, long sleeve top, thin liner gloves (optional).

Before registering for the Trinity River Run, I was a little apprehensive because I had heard unfavorable reviews from other runners, but being an educator, I have learned not to make judgments from reviews or others without giving it a chance myself.

The venue on the Trinity bridge (Dallas, Texas) was consistent to other races held at this site, with vendors lined alongside the bridge, plus a VIP tent for those who choose the VIP registration. The VIP package included a parking area, pre-race snacks (trail mix, nuts, fruit, and beverages), a port-a-potty area and heaters. A nice addition that I recommend if it's in the budget.

Due to the amount of rain that Dallas had experienced over the past several weeks, the route was adjusted causing the race to not run along the Trinity riverfront, but the new course was better in my opinion because it didn’t have any uneven (gravel) surface areas. I enjoy running along the Trinity riverfront, but I am not a fan of the rocky areas.

I didn’t learn my lesson from the haunted half race, once I again I ran without water, but there was a sufficient amount of water stations. Although the weather is cold, that doesn’t eliminate dehydration, so hydration stations with water and electrolytes are a must.

The Skyline Challenge was an added twist to the race. It challenged you to complete a Half + 10k + 5k = 22.4 miles in one night. Not quite a Dopey Challenge but it’s a challenge that deserves four finisher medals plus bragging rights. I wasn’t up for the challenge this year, but there is always next year.

The medals were impressive. There was a different finisher medal design for each race, 5k; 10k; Half; the Skyline Challenge and a Virtual Run.

I enjoyed this race, and I will place it on my 2019 calendar. What about you? Looking to do a night race, give the Trinity River Run a try.

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