• Snoqualmie Pass,
    United States
  • June
  • 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Steffanie Seiler

Oregon, United States
1 1
"Light (and BQ!) at the End of the Tunnel!!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Steffanie Seiler's thoughts:

What a race! The field size was small which was perfect for me. Less pressure and anxiety than can come with larger races. Parking was easy. My husband was able to take me to the start and see me off.
Start time was 8am for this September race. The extra sleep time was nice. Once we were on the go and about a half mile in, we entered the 2 mile train tunnel. Because you enter it so soon after the start, you are still pretty much running in a pack. It's dark and we're all still close together. It's a bit noisy because you're in an essentially enclosed space and everyone is still super chatty working out all that pre-race excitement. I remember just needing to concentrate on not tripping -- either on someone's foot or a rock or a hole, none of which you could see very well. I was carrying a flashlight and there were lots of other lights around me, but it's just not the same as daylight. Both sides of the tunnel slope downward, creating a hump toward the center, so... something else to be aware of as you are trying to run fast through a dark tunnel with a few hundred other runners. Those two miles felt like the longest miles of the entire race! Though it is a unique experience, I would've preferred a shorter tunnel (as if that were an option!).
Once out of the tunnel, the spacing between you and other runners increases pretty rapidly. People start stretching their stride out and finding their groove. The terrain is primarily packed gravel and dirt. There are some larger rocks to watch out for but overall, I found the ground to be pretty even and kind to my feet. This is a gradual downhill course, emphasis on the gradual. At times, it's barely noticeable. But it's enough to give you just that tad bit of forward momentum. Right around mile 7 or so, there is a small hill. I live and run in a hilly area so am very used to hills. But for some reason, this small hill felt like a rude awakening. And I hadn't even been running that long yet! Anyway, it's not a very long hill and not that significant, just felt hard FOR ME at that moment.
Aid stations are frequent enough and well placed. I didn't use them though, chose instead to wear my hydration vest which carried my nutrition as well. Volunteers were plentiful. I don't remember how many toileting options there were along the way, all I know is one was at the right time and place just when I needed it.
The scenery was phenomenal. Tall trees, fall foliage, trestle bridges, creeks and rivers. So much for the eyes to soak in! On my race day, it became drizzly about 8 miles in and pretty much stayed that way for most of the rest of the race. The temperature was mild though, so I never felt cold.
There are many places where a spectator could drive to and possible walk a short distance to cheer you on. I had no expectations for my husband so it was a very nice surprise to see him at mile 21 where the trail skirted next to a park and recreation area. The next time I saw him was at the finish line.
Unfortunately our medals did not arrive in time for race day. But at least the RD's had emailed us ahead of time to let us know this. I always like my finish line photos to showcase my medal so this was a little disappointing. However, the food, drink and snack options were above and beyond most I have seen at other races. I was very pleased with that! One other thing that was a bummer is that the "I PR'd", "I'm going to Boston", I BQ'd" photo prop signs that you see in so many Tunnel Marathon race finish photos, did not make it to the finish line that day. I was so looking forward to having my photo taken with these -- especially since I hadn't expected to PR, much less BQ!! That, on top of not having a medal in hand just left it feeling a little unfinished for me.
All in all though, such a great race. I would highly recommend it. I had been chasing a sub 4 hour marathon for a few years and finally got it. I surpassed my A, B and C goals and got a BQ that I really thought was just a far off dream. Now, with the cushion of time that I achieved, I am Boston Bound!!

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