• Huntington Beach,
    United States
  • February
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Other
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

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Christine Guenther

Spokane, Washington, United States
73 121
"Surf City Half"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Christine Guenther's thoughts:

This is a really well done race and the fact that it's in February and it's relatively nice is awesome. I ran in 2013 and flew out to LA the Friday before the race. I stayed with a friend of the family and we headed out to Huntington Beach on Saturday. We stayed at the Double Tree and checked in before heading to the Expo. It's nice when you can head to an expo that's outside and under tents in February!

The expo is set up well and flows well. You walk in and pick up your bib and then your shirt. The amount of vendors there is just about right. Make sure you get plenty of free samples and swag!! Long sleeved tech shirts are awesome too.

If you stay at the Double Tree in Huntington Beach, they bus you over to the start and open up breakfast early for runners. It's definitely a popular option. We caught the shuttle over and bowered the hotel bathrooms before hopping into our corrals.

The Course: the first few miles are along the highway/beach, but you still get a good feel for Surf City. You do have at least one or 2 decent hills in there before coming back to the highway. You hit a turn around point and take advantage of running back parallel to the beach. It's always nice when you can enjoy a race while enjoying the beach! Overall, something to enjoy!

The Finish and Post Race: Love the surf board medals!! They have tents set up, you can check your results and get some free stuff too. They also have group meet up areas where you can meet up with family, etc afterwards.

When we got back to Double Tree, they cheered runners as we came in and they had free cookies for us. We even acted as the cheering crew for a bit while we were waiting to leave. Overall, a good race and one to have on your bucket list!

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