St. Jude Memphis Marathon

St. Jude Memphis Marathon

St. Jude Memphis Marathon

( 16 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Memphis,
    United States
  • December
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Laura Mullins

Phoenix, Arizona, United States
62 22
"Every Mile is For the Kids!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Laura Mullins's thoughts:

2015 was my first St. Jude Marathon experience and it won't be my last! A good friend of mine was walking the half as a St. Jude Hero (fundraiser) and several other friends were planning a trip to join her. I had a disappointing Chicago Marathon in October and was not able to run my best so my legs felt fresh enough to run the full without risking injury.

Upon arriving at the expo, the first thing I noticed about the St. Jude Marathon is that every aspect of this race is centered around the cause: Raising money for St. Jude Children's Hospital. Each and every fundraiser was treated like an elite athlete. There was a special Red Carpet packet pick-up for the Heroes. Every volunteer thanked them for their contribution. At every turn, runners were reminded that all proceeds from the race go straight to the hospital. Some lucky Heroes were even allowed to tour the hospital grounds, further giving reason to why we were there. I mention all this because the feeling of purpose was palpable, something I have never felt before at any of my previous 14 marathon experiences.

The expo had loads of vendors and was very well organized. The race shirt was a long-sleeve tech shirt that has a loose fit. The half marathoners had blue shirts while the full marathon had maroon. The finishing medals also had the same corresponding colors.

The race course was beautiful! There were some hills throughout but nothing too severe. Runners are truly given a tour through downtown and Midtown Memphis. Every mile marker sign showed art by St. Jude patients that once again reminded runners why we were there. The most moving part of the race was running through the hospital campus and seeing the children who were well enough to come outside cheering for all the runners. How could I complain about my legs hurting from doing something I love when these kids are fighting for their lives!?

The support along the route was amazing! Fans, volunteers and even course marshals cheered on runners every mile. The race ended inside AutoZone Park, the minor league baseball stadium. Finishers were shown on the jumbo screen and runners' names were announced on the loud speaker. It was a very cool experience for sure!

The only disappointing factor for me was the goodie bag for marathon finishers. As I climbed to the top of the stairs from the field (yes, that was not easy but it wasn't too bad either), I was handed a white plastic bag that was to have post-race food. Inside were two bottles of chocolate milk and two nutrigrain bars. That's it. I really needed a bottle of water or some type of fruit. I don't eat dairy so I was struggling a bit until I got my gear check bag where I had stashed some "just in case" food. They also had no beer at the finish line! I had three tickets on my race bib for beer and by the time I finished, there was absolutely no beer to be found. That was truly disappointing.

Overall, this race is a MUST for every runner who has ever wondered why the heck they run long distances. It really reminds you that runners can do great things for worthy organizations and that running for a purpose is truly worthwhile.

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