Snowman Half Marathon 2018

Snowman Half Marathon 2018

Snowman Half Marathon 2018

( 2 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Mount Pleasant,
    United States
  • January
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Shelby Duff

Michigan, United States
4 17
"The Dirt Road to Nowhere"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Shelby Duff's thoughts:

I signed up for the Snowmans Half as part of the Winter Warrior Series. For three races it was only $100 dollars and you get a pint glass with every race. The day of the race, there was little direction to where the start line was. Thankfully, when I got there (15mins before) there was a giant finish banner (also the start). The first two miles you run around CMU's football stadium which was nice. Right after mile 2, however, you turn onto the dirt roads for the next 9ish miles. I was so happy when I saw the dirt roads. I live out in the boonies and train on dirt roads constantly. Never before did I think I would be able to use this as a benefit. The first 8 miles I felt amazing. I had negative splits (starting at 10 and going down to 8:43). At mile 8 though, I stopped to walk. When I started back up again I had an INSANE amount of pain in my left foot. Turned out that I had dislocated my cuboid. I walked all of mile 8, ran miles 9 and 10, then walked the rest of the way. I had an old boot in my car from the last time I sprained my ankle (the main issue with running on dirt roads so much) so I stopped at my car that was parked near mile 12.5. I put the boot on and ran the rest of the way to the finish line. Surprisingly, I still ran under a 2:30 (and ended up coming 3rd in my age group).. After the race, you had to go into O'Kelley's to claim your medal and use your drink ticket. The medal will combine with the other two in the series to make a full circle. I can't wait until the next race in a week.

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