• San Francisco,
    United States
  • August
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, Virtual Race
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


San Mateo, California, United States
0 4
""Bigger is better" doesn't just apply to Texas, but the Giant Race, too!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Shivali 's thoughts:

This race doesn't just celebrate the Giants and end at their stadium. At about 25,000 runners, this is literally a Giant Race!

Packet pick-up was a fast process but long journey: there were lots of tables set up to get your bib, shirt, and bobblehead quickly, but you had to walk around the entire stadium to get to everything. Shirt pick-up was somewhere in the middle of the course, and bobblehead pickup was at the very end, so you had to stroll past lots of vendor booths in the process. This wasn't too bad considering some vendors could be of interest to you, and also because there were free samples from Emerald nuts, Snapea Crisps, kettle chips, a Giants towel from State Farm, and even celery sticks!

My husband dropped me to the race so I didnt have to worry about Race day parking.

Huge crowds of people surround you from start to finish. Though there were strictly enforced corrals to sort runners of different paces, all 10k and half marathoners started at the same time. Race starts are often chaotic, but none could compare to the huge stampede in the beginning miles of this race. This makes it incredibly important to place yourself not only in the correct corral, but in the proper position at the front or back of that corral to minimize collisions.

I ran the 10k, which was fast and flat for the most part.

The aid stations every few miles had water, gatorade, and port-a-potties.
All runnning events finished off on the hallowed ground of AT&T Park. It was definitely a cool experience running through the tunnel and onto the field! Post-race snacks were just cheap bagels and the same free snack samples from packet pick-up.The giant field and stadium provided ample room for everyone to relax and hang out after a great race.

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