Run Hard Columbia Marathon

Run Hard Columbia Marathon

Run Hard Columbia Marathon

( 4 reviews )
75% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Columbia,
    South Carolina,
    United States
  • March
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Pawtucket, Rhode Island, United States
5 11
"Great stuff and a great time"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Wendy 's thoughts:

The 2015 Run Hard Columbia Half Marathon was held on March 7, 2015 in Columbia, South Carolina. The expo was the day before and had a few booths, soft colorful shirts and bibs. Pick up was super quick and smooth.

The start of this race was cold. It was 7:30am and we showed up in our Walmart clearance rack long sleeve throwaway shirts from the boys' department. The worst part of this race for me was that NOTHING was open for food in the morning and we hadn't purchased bagels the night before as we sometimes do. I was planning to pick up something at some random bakery or coffee shop before the start, but everything was closed! There was a bakery right next to the starting line that opened at 8 or 9 or something. I looked longingly in the window and questioned how much trouble I would get into for breaking in and stealing some carbs.

Run Hard has a 5k, half-marathon on full-marathon. I believe there is also a relay option and kids' run. The temperature at this time of year in Columbia on this morning was pretty great for running a race: cool and sunny. The shocker for me was the hills! I did not anticipate that happening, although I would have if I had checked the elevation chart like a smart person.

A lot of this race was through residential neighborhoods and the crowd support was low. I did the half marathon, but those who did the full ran two loops of the half. If this were a review of a full marathon, I may have more negative things to say, because that's gotta suck.

The end of the race had the usual fair. I finished the half in 01:52:03, which is not horrible, but was disappointed to discover they were out of coffee already. I downed a water and bagel and was on my way.

You should also know is that if you register early this race is super cheap. If you were to register right away the cost is $45. So, if you're considering, stop thinking about it and just sign up.

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