Run for Rowan 5k

Run for Rowan 5k

Run for Rowan 5k

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Glassboto,
    New Jersey,
    United States
  • April
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Meridith Daniel

New Jersey, United States
67 38
"Running for my Alma Mater"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meridith Daniel's thoughts:

My husband and I met on the campus of Rowan University and while we were students we did many things on campus, but I can honestly say that running a 5k was never one of those things. Twenty years later, it was the highlight of our Saturday morning. Oh, how things change!

Packet pick up was easy enough - it was at the Alumni Office or race day morning, depending on when you were able to get there. Since we live very close to the campus, I went to the Alumni Office, planning to pick up both mine and my husband's shirts and bibs. However, when I got there I was told I could only get mine because we had to sign a waiver. A suggestion for next time around would be to have that (the waiver) included during online registration. Jay was able to get his shirt and bib the day of the race before the start.

Other than that little snafu, the race was easy breezy. Early bird registration was only $20, with the price only rising to $25 after that period was over. They also had day of race registration.

It was gray and rainy on Saturday morning for this 5k and I knew that I would be running the AC April Fools half the following day so I figured Jay and I could run together at his pace. He hasn't been feeling well nearly the entire month of April so he hasn't been training much (read: at all) but he was ready to do his best.

The race started in the middle of campus, however there is not a convenient parking lot near that area so we parked on the outskirts of campus. Not a big deal considering we were about to run a 5k.

We caught up with old friends and then lined up to run. I'd wager a guess there were around 200 participants. It had a later start than most races I do; it began at 10am.

The route for the 5k was through the campus, to the perimeter of the campus, and then winding back through the campus. Since it's hosted by the Rowan Alumni Association, they did a good job of highlighting all the newer buildings on the campus. There's been a lot of changes since I graduated.

It was all sidewalk running so it was a little tight for the first mile as people tried to figure out their pacing and where they landed within the pack of runners. I know it's difficult to close the roads around campus but if the race gets bigger, I can't see them not doing that.

Although the day was gray and dreary, overall the campus was a lot prettier than I remembered. It seems like there's been a lot of attention paid to beautification projects and updating sitting areas and gardens.

We finished the race in 37 minutes and change. At the finish line there were granola bars, bananas, water, and coffee for sale from a local shop. They also had games set up. I think if it were a nicer day, people would have been inclined to linger but since it wasn't fantastic - most people either headed to the local bar and grill (that was offering 10% with the race bib) or went home (like we did).

The low cost, late start time, and proximity to my house makes this one that I'll return to again!

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