• Bluffton,
    South Carolina,
    United States
  • March
  • 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Andrew Wirfel

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
7 10
"Fun Event, Southern Living, But late in the day and HOT HOT HOT"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Andrew Wirfel's thoughts:

This is set on a beautiful repost facility at the Montage, which is also where we stayed... AWESOME and if you can afford it, w would highly recommend it. What a beautiful location and slice of the south, that gives you everything.

The race itself is throughout the report, so that it is very easily managed and minimal traffic on the road throughout the 10k, half and marathon and the elevation is flat, pancake flat.

My only gripe really with this was the start time being so late in the day. It was at 9am, with the sun and humidity out already it was a very tough day for me being from the north and winter, so my body was not really ready for that.

There was some free photos available afterwards you can get, but they do not take pictures of everyone, so that was a bit disappointing.

For the cost of entry, you do not get much, but I wasn't entering this race for added SWAG, just an excuse to get down to the south and enjoy the beauty of the Bluffton/Savannah/ SC region and I was able to do that.

So if you are looking to just get out and enjoy this for the beauty of the resort, region and have an attempt at a PB because of the flat service with little to no interruptions with the amount of runners entering the event then GO FOR IT and you won't be disappointed.

Just be prepared to run in the sun during the whole race, which for a person coming out of winter, was not the best of choices for me.

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