Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

( 27 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Oklahoma City,
    United States
  • April
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Miami Beach, Florida, United States
0 3
"No better reason to run!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kenneth 's thoughts:

I knew before the race that this would end up being one of my favorites. This race has that 'something special' that makes it stand out from the rest... the memory of 168 souls taken too early and the resilience of this wonderful city during its darkest hours. This is a race to run over and over and over, that will never get old. It's truly something special!

The expo is filled with a great number of products and services to sample and buy and future races to tantalize us crazy runners. Of particular interest is the Why We Run booth. Stop by and inspire yourself to surpass your limits in honor of those who had that chance taken too soon.

The support from local business and community is incredible from pre-race and through the entire weekend. It's quite impressive how much the city has embraced this event, but it makes perfect sense when considering the cause it supports.

Race day starts right next to the Oklahoma City National Memorial, and begins with a powerful 168 second moment of silence honoring the lives lost in the bombing of 1995. Race corrals are assigned based on anticipated times, and with the sheer size of this event its important to start in the right place as the early miles can be quite crowded. Pacers are available to help get that PR. The course itself has some hills, and the overpass in the first couple miles definitely knocked me a bit off my stride. Overall though it isn't that bad - I'm just not very good at hills.

Where this race excelled was again in community. The locals are out supporting the runners all along the course. Some places like Gorilla Hill are just rocking with crowd energy. And there are plenty of fully stocked, enthusiastically staffed aid stations. Plus local residents manning their own mini driveway aid stations - like I said before, the community here has really embraced this event!

Towards the end of the race you are again reminded why this race exists: along the course are the names of the 168 lost in the bombing. If you are hurting from your miles, their memories may be all you need to find that extra boost to get yourself home. There, at the end of the Oklahoma Standard Stretch, you are greeted by a lively crowd. Lots of energy as you sprint across that finish and collect a beautiful and well deserved medal.

Post race, some solid food, a finishers shirt and even massage awaits you. But you would be remiss if you left without taking advantage of the free entry your race bib provides at the OKC Memorial Museum. This is definitely a race I intend to come back to many, many more times. Except I'm pretty sure I'll be stepping up to the full marathon in the future

For more on my incredible experience with this race check my blog at: http://konfedence.com/2018/04/stronger-together-%e2%80%a2-oklahoma-city-memorial-half-marathon/

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