Ocala Marathon

Ocala Marathon

Ocala Marathon

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Ocala,
    United States
  • January
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Nashville, Tennessee, United States
9 36
"Enjoy the views of Florida Horse Country"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jessica 's thoughts:

+/- Small race pool, good chance of placing either overall or in age group
+/- It is not flat, this course will challenge you
+/- The weather will likely be "warm"
+ Great course scenery
+ Abundance of race day parking
+ Frequent aid stations on the course with energetic volunteers
- A good portion of the race is on an open course (not blocked to traffic)
- Course map does lead to front of the pack / back of the pack runner overlap

The Ocala marathon (half marathon and 5k) is held in Ocala, FL about 90 minutes outside of Orlando. In 2017, the marathon drew about 80 finishers and the half marathon drew about 190 finishers. The race ran through a very scenic area surrounded by a number of farms. The marathon started 15 minutes before the half marathon. The courses were similar, each including a loop with a pigtail. The marathon completed the loop twice and the marathon pigtail was a bit longer. The nature of the course did create some overlap amongst the back of the pack and front of the pack. The fast half marathoners caught up to me before their turnaround and I caught up to a number of the half marathoners as I finished the first loop. The course did offer a good amount of shade, which was helpful in the warm temperatures. There were a number of rolling hills and two 100+ elevation gain climbs (same hill). The total elevation gain over the course was around 775 feet. While the race is a timed event, participant start times are all based off the gun there is no timing mat at the start of the race. I feel it is important to note, the entire course is not closed. A good portion of the loop is open to traffic. It is very important for runners to be aware during this race as there were a couple blind curves as well and many drivers weren’t slowing much beyond what they would normally to take the curve. I did notice there was a heavy amount of police patrol throughout the loop. I have to assume this was to address the open course issue. I would encourage runners of this race to forgo the headphones for this one!!!! On course, there was an aid station every one to two miles offering water and Gatorade. With various stations also offering gels or other snacks (I believe I heard fig newtons).

The start, finish and bib pickup were all in the parking lot of the Paddock Mall. This provided plenty of parking both the day before for bib pickup and race morning. There were plenty of portables at the start with a couple designated as “marathon only”. There was no gear check, but runners should have been able to store their extra clothes in their cars nearby.

Marathon runners received a long sleeve tee while those running the half marathon received a short-sleeve tech tee. The key difference between swag was coloring. Marathon swag was blue based while the half marathon was red. This applied for the medals as well. The medal itself was consistent for all finishers but the ribbons were different. Unfortunately, upon completing the race I received a half marathon medal. I realized this when I returned home and reached out to the race director. By the end of the week I had received the correct marathon medal in the mail. I was very impressed with the overall award trophies. They sported a horse on the top with the top finisher trophy having a multi-color horse. I wish I’d taken a picture. For age group winners they handed out license plates. Since the pool was so small, I did squeak out first place in my age group.

If you like small races and are looking for a reasonably priced Florida race, check this one out. Stay in Ocala one night and then enjoy some time at Disney!

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