New Jersey Marathon

New Jersey Marathon

New Jersey Marathon

( 28 reviews )
96% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Oceanport,
    New Jersey,
    United States
  • April
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Connecticut, United States
4 5
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Shannon 's thoughts:

When you get a BQ, it's hard to say anything bad about a race. But then again, there wasn't really anything really bad about the race.
Coming from CT, we stayed at a hotel about 20 minutes away from the start (all closer hotels were sold out). We had no problem with road closures or getting to the start. We parked in a lot very close to the starting area and waited in our car until the very last moment. Hit the portopotty and got ready to run.
Now, I knew going into this race I was going to BQ by a lot. My training was insane and I only missed 3 workouts in 3 months. I was hitting all my target paces and zones during training. There was no question, I was going to BQ today.
The beginning of the course is mostly residential and you start pretty early. Yet, there were actually people outside with signs and cheering. Not a lot, but more than I thought would be. It made the first 10K fly! I was cruising along with the 3:20 group feeling on top of the world.
When you get to the half you are near the water and the scenery gets better but the majority of the runners turn to finish and you are in no mans land. Luckily, the 3:20 pace group was solid and there were a great group chugging along to keep me company.
I really enjoyed the 2nd half of the race. I'm used to a lot of mundane straight miles in my training, so that long stretch was actually comforting to me. Once we turned back to head up to the finish the wind hit me pretty good and my calves remembered there are not 3:30 marathon runners. I started cramping pretty bad and had to slow considerably. But I was so ahead of the clock for my BQ, I could have walked the last few miles and still got it!
The slowing up helped tremendously and I finished strong with my first sub 3:25! (3:24:58) Best part, I BQed by more than 15 minutes, so I was able to register for Boston on the second day!

Only thing that sorts stinks about this race is their shirts. Sizes are weird. I have a lot of women's small race shirts. This one does not fit like a women's small. Also, the bus ride back to the start is brutal. I took forever to get a bus full and on the road. Luckily we had great weather. Had it been cold or wet, it could have gotten ugly.

I am also sorta bummed they moved the date. I would have run again this year if it were 2 weeks post Boston, but 6 days... I don't recover fast enough for that!

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