• Warner Robins,
    United States
  • January
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Georgia, United States
2 5
"Substandard Half Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Rich 's thoughts:

I ran the 2018 half marathon with some friends. The race is held entirely within the confines of Robins Air Force Base, GA.

The start is held at the Robins Museum of Aviation. It was a nice place to stay warm inside the hangar with plenty of seating as the weather was a chilly 38 degrees and windy. The shirts are decent but I hate when they have the same shirt for multiple distances. It’s the same shirt whether you run the 5k or the marathon.

The course is flat and fast....and really boring. It’s just the nature of central Georgia. There’s not much to look at. The 13.1 course basically runs around the airfield.

Aid stations are pretty spartan with not much to offer. It was basically just water and Powerade. There were a few giving out gels...though nobody running a half marathon needs gels.

The finish was not well manned and there was no after party or celebration. There weren’t many people cheering along the course even at the finish.

Overall, I wouldn’t run this again at any distance. I ran it because my cousin asked me to. I had a decent time and the course is fast. Other than that there’s no real reason to run this race. It’s substandard in most areas and the course it’s really boring. You’ll want to run fast just to get it over with. Avoid unless you live locally.

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