Mississippi River Marathon

Mississippi River Marathon

Mississippi River Marathon

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Greenville,
    United States
  • February
  • 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Meg S

Virginia, United States
13 62
"Small town southern race"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meg S's thoughts:

Mississippi River Marathon starts in Lake Village, AR and finishes in Greenville, MS. It's a very small race in the deep south but for such a small event, they do a fantastic job with the details, which can make or break a race. The cons:

Weather is unpredictable, which goes for any race, but it got unseasonably warm for this year's race. The saving grace was cloud cover and wind, which helped cool runners, but the sun could bake you if there were no clouds! There's no shade along the course.
Scenery is so-so. It's mostly along a lake and river which is okay, and crosses the Mississippi which is very cool, but otherwise there's not a whole lot to see.
Porta-johns: I know they have this on their radar to fix for next year, the line at the marathon start got long before the race.

Fantastic RD and organization. There were water stations almost every mile, which on a hot day, makes a WORLD of difference. Great volunteers and lots of police manning the intersections.
Nice pull-over quarter zip top.
Cool medal!
Great awards for age group winners.
Race day packet pickup if needed.
Half marathon started at a different spot so there was no congestion or merging.
Lots of food at the finish - great spread!
Free race photos!

I'd recommend the race for all of those 'pros' listed above. The cons were fixable or out of their hands. Bottom line is it's a nice low-key race to knock out either Arkansas or Mississippi.

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