• Valmeyer,
    United States
  • September
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Jeff Edmonds

Chicago, Illinois, United States
27 22
"Small Town Race - Awesome Experience"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jeff Edmonds's thoughts:

This was a wonderful experience. I ran this race on a whim because I was going to be in St. Louis for the weekend and needed a tune-up race for a marathon I was doing a few weeks later. I called to find out if I could register the morning of the race and actually spoke at length with the man who actually created and runs the race and his wife. They even gave me driving directions from my hotel near Busch Stadium. The course consisted of beautiful rolling hills on comfortable blacktop highway through farm country. It was gorgeous! There were aid stations every mile, and there were only about 30-40 people in the entire half-marathon. (They also do a 5K.) The only bad thing about the entire course is the last two miles. They are entirely uphill at a serious incline that caused me to slow down by about 2 minutes per mile. If it weren't for these last two miles, I would wholeheartedly recommend this race to everyone! It would be hard to PR due to the long hill at the end. The post-race party was awesome. It was basically just a bunch of people drinking cans of beer out of a horse tank full of ice. The director runs the race to raise money for local firemen and it's a labor of love for him and his family.

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