• Chicago,
    United States
  • August
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Chicago, Illinois, United States
2 11
"Women are super heros!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Tahnee 's thoughts:

The expo: This year's expo was conveniently located on the Mag Mile which was pretty awesome if you work downtown and it was outside which was so nice during the summer. There were so many great give-a-ways, however, because of the location anyone could jump in line for these give-a-ways which meant that you were waiting for something that you technically paid for with a bunch of people who had no clue what they were in line for.

The race: You run up Michigan ave, that's about where the 5K stops and then the half heads over to the lake and heads south where you hit a few slight inclines and get a gorgeous view of the city on your return. As a north sider I am very rarely on this side of the city to run and don't get to take in these views. It's really very pretty and distracts you from any soreness or tiredness you might be feeling.

Plenty of aid along the course though I wouldn't say there is a huge amount of crowd around to watch once you get through the 5K portion.

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