Lincoln Marathon & Half Marathon

Lincoln Marathon & Half Marathon

Lincoln Marathon & Half Marathon

( 12 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Lincoln,
    United States
  • May
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Nebraska, United States
1 1
"A Hometown Marathon With Heart"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Chad 's thoughts:

Full Review on my blog ( ..........excerpt here:

Good variety of urban scenery here from historic boulevards with mansions to pretty average 4 lane roadways to an urban lake/park area, even a brief run through downtown. Lincoln is a green, well-treed town!

My race didn't go perfectly, but I rolled with the punches and was able to finish my first full marathon with a respectable time. If I had a mulligan, I may have pushed a bit harder in the first half and definitely would have taken in more salt and fluid the whole way. I had 3.5 GU's/Gels during the race and probably only about 30 ounces of water and sport drink. Despite having my own fluids at my disposal, I just hadn't trained properly on taking in large amounts of fluid while running fast.

I finished in 11th place in 2:43:03. I was about 75 seconds behind my teammate Regnier. And one spot out of the prize money! On the bright side, as bad as I felt, nobody else passed me or was even near me those last few miles.

After I finished, things were a bit of a cluster. But with 12,000+ entrants this year (up from 10,000 last year) you have to expect some congestion. Tons of half marathoners were finishing when I was and we were all being herded off the football field and into the ground floor of the stadium where they had drinks and snacks available. But you had to grab it fast as you were being pushed down the hallway. It was just too many people at once and my legs were rubbery. I congratulated Regnier and Stack, then I grabbed a Gatorade and headed straight to the massage area and got worked on. They gave priority to marathoners (over half-marathoners) and they got me right in!

Kudos to Lincoln Track Club on a great race. The event was organized very well from packet pickup to pre-race emails to bike marshals on the course. Having the National Guard there in uniform, and seeing them working a water stop and the finish line, was awesome too.
More spectators on the second half of the course would be great, but you can't have it all. Support on the first half (half marathon course) is outstanding for a small to mid sized marathon!!

Lincoln Track Club has done a really nice job growing this race over the last several years. I see why it sells out so quickly each year and why all 50 states are represented. But it's definitely time to stop and evaluate that growth/entrants allowed. The awards ceremony (with free lunch) was a great time to catch up with rivals and teammates. The awards themselves are nicely done and they offer awards deep into each age group. The finisher medals are substantial and handsome.
The race shirt looks more like a 4th of July theme, but this is the Lincoln National Guard Marathon and apparently serves as a championship race for that branch of the military. And the Guard did have some tough competitors out there. I know at least one Guardsman beat me to the finish line.

The Bottom Line:
This is a hometown race with heart. Even if Lincoln isn't your hometown.

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